РАБОТА ВО КОУЗОН СКОПЈЕ – [email protected]
Почитувани ,
Заради зголемениот обем на ативности во процесот на регрутација и вработување на лица за работа на најголемите бродски компании, КОУЗОН – ОБЈАВУВА , отворени работни места за вработување во нашите канцеларии во Скопје.
Основно барање за ВРАБОТУВАЊЕ во Коузон е напредно ПОЗНАВАЊЕ НА АНГЛИСКИ ЈАЗИК.
РАБОТНИ МЕСТА за кои имаме отворени работни позиции се :
The Recruiter is responsible for all recruitment activities within Kouzon International Network. The primary responsibility of the Recruiter is to organize and execute recruitment for all positions for cruises ships employment.
HR Recruiter responsibilities include
1. Doing interviews with candidates face to face or online
( including phone screenings and group ZOOM interviews )
2. maintaining daily communication with applicants, and
3. Conduct background checks.
As a part of the job obligation, he/she needs to travel within Kouzon offices worldwide.
Ultimately, this position is essential in building a strong image for our company to ensure we attract, hire and retain the most qualified talents for cruise ships employment.
The HR Processing Specialist is responsible for providing daily administrative process support to recruited crew members and supports multiple aspects of HR operations service inquiry and data administration.
The HR Shared Services Specialist also works with various HR teams from Kouzon international network. He/she will manage the hiring process for applicants ( preparing documents for boarding the cruise ships ), assist in resolving inquiries on that process, and support the processing of large-scale recruitment.
Please note that we can only consider applicants with valid MKD work permits or eligible to work in MKD.
Доколку сте зинтересирани за овие вработувања, ги поседувате бараните критериуми и имате соодветно работно искуство , ВЕ молиме да ни испратите биографија на е-маил [email protected]
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