[email protected]

Hello people

My name is Dubravka and I am from Bajina Basta, Srbija. I work on a cruise ship and I want to share my situation…
… and no, it is not like the stories the tabloids write for your eyes, it is my true story … So even if you do not read my story, I will still invite all of you to come and work on a cruise ship.

I am happy to say that I am working on a cruise ship; I have very successful career and I am lucky to be with fantastic people here as part of my team. We have such good time while cruising, we hardly notice the work . But now this virus thing stops the ship. We do not have any cases or symptoms on board our ship. All people are safe and we take extra precaution to keep it that way. We are just one big happy family, we know each other very well and we keep us safe from all harm, also keep the ship safe and clean.

Our ship is docked in Bahamas now already 20 days. Each member could choose to travel to go home or to stay on the ship. Accommodation, food, medical care and much more is guaranteed and for free for us as always, even the ship is not operating with guests. We do some daily duties and small jobs, but we mostly rest and relax. It is strange to see the ship at peace, quiet and calm, no big noise, no rush , no laughter around from guest… Hope this will finish soon, so we can go back cruising the Caribbean islands and later to do crossing the Atlantic Ocean and start Mediterranean port, before I go home.

I be honest with you, there are some difficult times and sometimes job is demanding, but most jobs are like that. At least I am happy to be on a sea & ocean, so I can be relaxed and enjoyed in my free time, better than ever.

We will be back in operation soon, there will be many jobs still open and one of them just might be a job just made for you!!!
Perfect time to jump in in your new life at sea!!

Get well soon, Serbia, see you soon my friends, luv ya