Live your dream...

Lake George Steamboat.

Lake George


Изјави на наш студент Бенџамин Џафери кој беше дел Work & Trave 2014

Здраво јас сум Бенџамин Џафери и оваа година работев во Steamboat Company . Lake George , NY .

Местото е преубаво . Ако сакате убав и релаксиран поглед кон природа и езеро наутро , тогаш Lake George е токму за вас !

Менаџерите од компанијата се многу добри , ќе ви излезат во пресрет за секое ваше барање . Флексибилни се за распоред и ќе ве сфатат без проблем ако ви треба слободен ден . Единственото нешто што го очекуваат од вас е да ја завршите вашата работа правилно и  на време . Градот е мал , туристички и има забава иако нема премногу ноќни клубови .

Има луѓе  на секоја возраст , млади стари , друштва , поединци , семејства на одмор .

Се на се , местото е многу убаво , чисто , мало и безбедно и многулесно да се снајдете за било што . Многу лесно се наоѓа и втора работа.

Ви го препорачувам на сите кои прв пат одите во Америка .


Бенџамин Џафери, студент во трета година на Интернационалниот Балкански Универзитет


Company and Location:

Lake George Steamboat Company has been in operation since 1817 and offers a variety of cruises on their three large cruise ships of historic and scenic Lake George. The company attracts many tourists every day. Come join other international students working at this popular Lake George destination!

Located approximately 25 miles (40 km) from Saratoga Springs and 50 miles (80 km) from Albany, Lake George, NY is situated in the Adirondack Region of Upstate New York. Lake George is a resort town with plenty of activities to offer for everyone!


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Why should you work at Lake George Steamboat Company ?

  • Enjoy great cultural experiences with high customer interaction and a dynamic team!

  • Work close to amusement parks, wondrous hiking trails, picnic areas, museums, shopping, and more!

  • Receive a variety of free passes to local area attractions including amusement parks and site seeing adventures!

  • Great hours and wage available

Job Positions:

Food runner 

Students will be responsible for helping waitstaff deliver food to customer’s tables. Students will work in the kitchen and also on the dining room floor providing service to customers. Other duties as assigned.

Rate: 6.56 $ + tips



Students will be using a mechanical machine to wash dishes. Dishes are brought down to dish machine and students will clear dishes and then run them through the machine and then stack them when complete. Students will mop the kitchen at the end of each shift. Shifts: 9-3 and 3-9

Rate: 8$


Prep cook

Students will be preparing salads, panning rolls and desserts, slicing meats during meal periods and cleaning their areas at the end of their shift to help the kitchen prepare meals. Shifts: 8-3 2-9 Students will be working at the buffett lines in front of customers.

Rate: 8$


Snack Bar attendant

Taking orders from customer for hot dogs and hamburgers and beverages, and preparing the meals to go into a warming unit. Students must know how to make change and handle money. This is a front facing customer service position that requires daily interaction with Americans and a high focus on customer service. shifts: 9-3 3-9

Rate: 8$ + tips



Students will be seating gufests on the boat and getting beverage orders and informing the customer of what is on the buffett. Students will be clearing salad and dinner dishes from their table and serving addtional beverages and dessert. Students will clean and reset the table at the end of each trip the guest takes to the buffett line. Shifts: 10-3 and 4-9

Rate: 5$ + TIPS


Hours per week : minimum 30 + overtime

Job start date : 1 jun 2015 – 15 jun 2015

Job end date  :  25 sep 2014 – 30 sep 2014


Employer will assist with housing .


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