Company and Location:
Comfort Inn Yellowstone North hotel is 18 years old and has 77 guest rooms with a restaurant and pub on site. The hotel is only 1 mile from the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park. Comfort Inn Yellowstone North is located in the town of Gardiner, Montana, which has a population of approximately 900 people. The small town boasts several hotels, restaurants, gift shops, bars, and churches. If you enjoy the outdoors, this is the place to be! Activities include rafting, fishing, horseback riding, touring Yellowstone National Park, hiking, kayaking, rock climbing and biking
Groups of up to 4 friends are encouraged to apply!
[mappress mapid=”40″]
Job Positions:
Housekeeping – $8.50 per hour
Housing – provided $50 per week
35 hours /per week
Overtime available
Зошто да аплицирате за Comfort inn Yellowstone North?
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